After we finished up at the office, we went to the store to buy Kevin some pants. We met my mom there and shopped until we got kicked out. Something I don't understand is stores let people in with snotty nosed, screaming kids, but a dog? OH MY GOD! She just sat there quietly people watching. She didn't bite, bark, growl or anything at anyone. Whatever. At least I was finished shopping and just gave the money to my mom to make my purchases.
My mom had some time to kill before she had to be back to work so I thought a nice place to hang out with Daisy and her would be the puppy park. I stopped at my friends house near my old apartment to see if she wanted to go with us with her yorkie Paisley. Unfourtunately her roommate already had dinner ready so she was not able to go. But Daisy and Paisley did get to play for a little while at the apartment.
So our last stop was the puppy park. One of Daisys favorite places. She ran around with the other dogs taking in all the sights and smells. It was fun... and exausting for my little Daisy girl.

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