Today was Daisy's Novice 2 class graduation. I didn't realize this when we went to class because I've missed the last 4 weeks for various reasons. I was scared because I'd only worked her twice in that time. The last class she took 4th place and the class before that she took 2nd, but she got the same score both times. 195 out of 200 possible points. Which isn't bad at all, most dogs score in the 180's so I was still happy with her performances then.
We did our best, and she sure did suprise me! She did better than she has ever done before, and was very proud of herself too. After all the dogs had been tested we waiting for the scores and to find out who took what place. Daisy and I had tied with two other dogs so we had a run off to further determine what place we took.
When the trainer started calling out our names and places I was anxious. Daisy worked so hard today and I wanted her to get a good score. The trainer gave out 6th, then 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd and I looked around, she only had one paper left, I was wondering did she forget me? Then she announced my little miss Daisy took 4th place with a score of 196! I was so proud of her. We got our blue ribbon and certificate. She's such a good girl.
After class Daisy got a special treat and lots of loving before I had to leave to run more errands. Do they ever end? I spent a beautiful afternoon with my loving husband, Kevin. We went out for lunch, all that dog training made us hungry, and after we went to see my step-mom at the Chili Cook Off in The Villages. They must have had a good turn out because everyone was running out of chili!
After we left there we went and did some quick shopping for a Bridal Shower I have next week and I finally bought Daisy another pink leash. We had an incident with her first one involving our motorcycle and since then she's had a blue one. People thought she was a boy! I would never be so cruel to put a pink dress on a boy dog. That is just mean!
So, that was my day. Didn't buy food though... Hopefully I will have time to do my grocery shopping tomorrow before the Super Bowl game. Not that I watch football, I'm just interested in the Super Bowl snacks, and commercials. Until next time... G'night!