Today marks the six month point. And what a day it was...
The morning was fine, I had a good day at work except for my patients great-grandkids screaming. When I got off work I had to get a new license with our new address, get the tags renewed on the cars, and get my blood drawn.
License was okay, but I drove all the way to Leesburg to get the tags, which wasn't that bad because I had to go to to Leesburg for the lab work.
So I made it to the lab at 3:05pm. It was abnormally busy for a Wednesday. I had to wait to be called unitl 3:35. When she called me and looked at the script she said I wouldn't be able to have my blood drawn today because I have to drink 50mg of Glucose and wait one hour before they could draw my blood. They close at 4 o'clock and would not stay open an extra 5 minutes so I wouldn't have to drive all the way to Leesburg again.
Jerks... So to cheer me up, I went to the library to get a library card and get a couple books. So I got in line behind this guy who went through the whole process of getting a new card, then said "So what do I do with this old one?" It wasn't old. They don't expire. He just didn't have his e-mail address on record so they could send him e-mail updates when the books he orders come in. Then a guy cut in front of me in line. I don't understand how he could not see me being six months pregnant and huge. Lucky for me the lady saw me and said the guy had to go to the back of the line.
I get there and ask for the appropriate form and get it filled out and all, she says rudely "Oh! You live in Sumter County. We don't have the same systems and you'll have to pay $20 for a card" B.S. The lady I talked to about getting a library card said nothing about that last week when I talked to her about getting one.
Being pregnant and extremely emotional I walked out to my car and felt like screaming. I called my mom to tell her I wouldn't be coming over, like I said I would, because I just wanted to go home. She didn't answer. So that adds to my frustration. Then Kevin starts text messaging me and I can't text and drive and be mad all at the same time. (I can talk on the phone, eat a subway sandwich & chips, and drive with my knee though...)
Halfway home my mom calls, I didn't want to talk anymore, but I answer because I did call her and she was just returning my call. After all, it wasn't her fault I couldn't get a library card. I answer, but I hardly get service out on 44A in Wildwood. Not being able to understand her pushed me over the edge. I threw the phone, let out a blood curdling scream and continued driving.
The phone didn't close. Mom heard the scream and started freaking out. All she heard was "AAAHHH!!!" - *THUD* So she's screaming out my name, calling Kevin on the other phone and having a heart attack while I try to calm myself down and get home and into bed.
I didn't hear her yelling for me until I got all the way home and turned off the car. I told her I was okay and was going to bed. So sorry Mom, I just got a little crazy. I love you.
So that was my super exciting day today. Let's hope tomorrow I can get my blood drawn without anymore suprises.